
June 15-19

Day 1: Orientation and Release of Glasswares - There will be only 5 groups in a class. Members will be chosen randomly. Post-laboratory Reports will be submitted by group but pre-lab. will be done individually and submitted before the start of the experiment. Laboratory Guidelines in Chemistry

Day 2: Experiment 1: Nitrogen Dioxide - Dinitrogen Tetroxide Equilibrium System. Submit PreLab before we start. Data Sheet will be submitted by group at the end of the period. Bring your own copy. No lab gown and PreLab, No experiment! Automatic zero in the lab performance.
Day 3: Group Activity & Discussion


Chemis3 Powerpoint Presentation

Powerpoint Presentation in Senior Re-orientation Program


Welcome to Chemis3

Chem 3 is a one (1) unit subject for fourth year students of PSHS. The subject reviews previous lessons in Chem 2essons in Chem 2 (i.e. Kinetics) & discusses advance topics in chemistry, which includes equilibrium, acid-base reaction, electrochemistry & qualitative analysis. Lecture for each topic are supported by individual and group activities such as interactive softwares and laboratory experiments.
The Grading System, group requirements and tentative schedule of long tests and practical tests per quarter can be seen in the document below.
Chemistry 3 Outline